Travel Tour to Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast travel Tourism culture and History tour
Ivory Coast travel Tourism culture and History tour
The main advantage of Ivory Coast is its people, and is the nation that must visit all those interested in history, the music or the art of Africa. The country offers travelers beautiful scenery such as mountains around Man, a fascinating region Senoufo along Korhogo, Comoé National Park (the largest in West Africa) and the remote fishing villages and beaches of
Sassandra . These sites are accessible to visitors through a network of roads is among the best in the continent.
best time to travel Ivory Coast
In February, celebrate the Fêtes des Masques (festival of the masks) in the towns scattered across the region of Man Another festival highlight is the Festival Dipri organized in mid-April in Gomon, 100 km northwest of Abidjan, and in which all the villagers strongly exorcise their homes against evil. The time of year to visit the country with peace of mind cover from November to February, but fans will get the picture much more attractive image for the rainy season between May and October. The tourist season usually extends from December to March and to a lesser extent, during the months of November and April.
Ivory Coast Holidays and festival
One of the most famous festivities Ivory Coast is the Fête des Masques (Festival of Masks), which is celebrated in the villages of Man every February. Another major event is the carnival in Bouaké in March. When visiting the country in April, is essential in Dipri Fête du Gomon. This festival starts at midnight, when women and naked children quietly leave their huts at night and perform rituals to exorcise the curse of all people. Before sunrise the chief appears, echo the drums and the locals are in a state of trance. The frenzy continues until late afternoon the next day. The major Muslim holiday, Ramadan, develops over a month (around December) when the population between the fast rising and setting sun, fulfilling the fourth pillar of Islam. Ramadan ends with a big celebration, the Eid al-Fitr, where everyone gathered to pray, to visit their friends, and supercharged gift. The National Day is commemorated on December 7
Ivory Coast attraction and places
Abidjan, a large metropolis, glamorous and undermined by crime, lack of interest until 1951, when the French completed the construction of the canal Vridi, linking Abidjan's lagoon with the ocean. The city has since then a great port and its population has grown to reach nearly three million inhabitants, divided into four peninsulas around the lagoon.
Known as the Paris of West Africa, many French live in Abidjan, but also attracts many Africans from neighboring countries, it has become the most cosmopolitan city in the region. Many travelers know their only wealthier neighborhoods, especially Le Plateau, the central point of full commercial skyscraper, and Cocody, elegant residential area where the hotel recognized Ivoire. Poorest districts, as Treichville, Marcory and Adam, are much more interesting. Le Plateau United by two bridges, the neighborhood of Treichville the majority of clubs.
The Hotel Ivoire, West Africa's most famous, is also one of the main attractions. Is proud to possess it all: swimming pool, ice rink, bowling, cinema, casino and even a major art gallery in the basement. Abidjan's modern museum, the cathedral of St Paul, only surpassed by one in the capital, Yamoussoukro, justifies visiting the sights you can see from the top of its bell tower. It was designed by an Italian architect and consecrated by the Pope in 1985.
In the far north-west is the Parc du Banco, a rainforest reserve with its freshness lends itself to walking. A few hundred meters from the entrance on the dirt road is the outdoor laundry largest Africa: an unforgettable spectacle in which hundreds of fanicos (sandpipers) meet in the middle of a stream to make casting. Daily, vigorously rubbing the clothes on huge stones covered by old tires, and spread on the rocks and grass along a half kilometer. Never be confused or wrong garments each.
We must not forget that from the end of the 1980s, Abidjan has a reputation of having the highest crime rate in West Africa, and no part of town is considered sufficiently safe to walk alone at night.
Yamoussoukro became the capital in 1983. Since the 1960s, President Houphouët-Boigny spent in his home town, and turned it into a strange city. It has eight lanes of highway, the desert and lined with more than ten thousand lamps, and avenues that end in the jungle. Most houses were replaced by traditional African structures cement themselves to the middle class. But simultaneously there is no other city of its kind in the entire continent, and its center is much more aggressive at night than would be assumed by his appearance impersonal.
The stunning centerpiece of the city is the Basilica of Notre Dame de la Paix, an almost exact replica of St. Peter in Rome. Built in just three years, stands as the highest of any church, Christianity, probably something illogical in a country with few practicing Catholics. Apart from its shape and size, you will remember everything about the 36 huge stained glass made by hand in France. The $ 300 million cost equivalent to half the national budget deficit.
Yamoussoukro is located about 200 km northwest of Abidjan. Is very well connected to the rest of the country thanks to its central location. Buses are often the best means of transportation, faster and cheaper, to get there and move around the city.
Taï National Park
This National Park is one of the last areas of virgin rainforest in West Africa, with trees that reach 50 m in height, enormous trunks and roots. Primeval forest walk is a great experience: the towering trees, hanging vines, fast-running streams and wildlife habitat that has been combined to create a calm and charming. Researchers have spent decades studying chimpanzees in the park and have discovered that they have developed ingenious ways to hunt monkeys.
The park stands out for the frequent rains and humidity, the best time to visit is from December to February, the dry season. Taï to enter is strictly necessary to require a permit issued by the Ministry of Water and Forests in Abidjan. It is also complicated to get there. The best way is to take a bus, followed by a local taxi and a minibus from the end of Man (450 km northwest of Abidjan) and San Pedro (280 km west of Abidjan) Guiglo to follow in the direction of the population Tai hitchhiking and cover the remaining 30 km to the center's research park.
Man of the region, which covers the central and western Ivory Coast, is formed by a succession of hills covered by lush vegetation that stretch to the horizon. It is primarily known for its excellent market (Man City), masks the characteristics of each people and the dancers Yacub acting on stilts during the annual Fête des Masques (Festival of Masks). The populations of the region of Man have many masks they use to represent their rituals.
The City of Man only has a daily market as a main attraction, but it is a good base for exploring the region, especially the Cascade, a very popular waterfall in a forest of bamboo and 5 km west of the city. The valley of Mount Tonkoui, the second highest peak of Ivory Coast, is located 15 km north of Cascade. From its summit you can see the territory of Liberia and Guinea. Walkers will also appreciate the steep mountain-shaped teeth of the dent of Man (Man of the tooth), the guardian angel of the region. Another element of the constituent peoples: a bypass road 275 km north of Man to visit Biankouma, Gouéssésso, and Sipitou Danané.
Man is about 450 km northwest of Abidjan. Air Ivoire has a service to Abidjan Man twice a week. Various bus companies and taxis cover the long ride several times a day
Sassandra, known for its magnificent beaches, has as its main point of attraction with a fishing population of ethnic fanti with a very active port and an attractive river to explore. Travelers willing to try the highly recommended Bangui (palm wine), can be found in large quantities. This enclave in the past acted as an important commercial center, but its activity declined with the construction of the neighboring port of San Pedro.
The beaches are located west of Sassandra, along a dirt road. The first, with strong waves, called Plage Le Bivouac, can be reached on foot from the people, for others, it is necessary to take a taxi or hitchhiking. The most recognized is the peaceful Poly-Plage and the tiny fishing village fanti. Sassandra is located 210 km west of Abidjan. There are daily bus services to return.
Korhogo, capital of senufu, was built in the thirteenth century. The senufu are famous for their carved wood, but also for his skills in blacksmithing and pottery. Most of the wood sculptors live and work in the small neighborhood Quartier des Sculptures. Its bustling market is at the center of the city.
The associations have senufu secret Poro divided by religion, for children, and worship Sakrobundi, for girls, which are initiated through to adulthood. The target group is to preserve traditions, tribal customs to teach and inculcate self through rigorous testing. Youth education is divided into three periods of seven years, after which held an initiation ceremony, with circumcision, isolation, training and use of masks. Each community has a sacred forest where the training, and do not ever allow the uninitiated to witness the tests. Certain ceremonies are conducted in the population and are not forbidden to visitors, as the men panthère dance (the dance of the panther men), which happens when the boys return from a training session in the woods.
Korhogo is located over 500 km north of Abidjan. Air Ivoire offers regular flights between the two populations during the weekends. Buses runs Korhogo Abidjan-made half a dozen trips a day. In Korhogo also can rent a car to explore the region.
As National Park
As the reserve of wildlife largest West Africa, lies at the northeastern tip of Ivory Coast. One of the best known route crosses the river Comoé, where wild animals tend to go for water during the dry season.
Lions are plentiful in the southern part of the reserve, especially in the area called the triangle Kapkin. An estimated one hundred elephants in the park, so the visitor has a high probability of seeing any. Other animals that share this habitat are the green monkey, the hippo, the baboon, the Colobus monkey, water deer, several species of antelope and 21 species of pig. Leopards also live freely in the reserve, but rarely has the good fortune to glimpse one. The reserve is open from December to May.
As is 570 km northeast of Abidjan. There are several entrances to the reserve, the most common are Kafolo north and Kapkin and geese in the South. Buses and taxis tend to use the northern entrance
Ivory Coast activities
The Parc du Bank, Abidjan, is the ideal spot for excursions. You can go trekking through the virgin rainforest in the Taï National Park, located on the southwestern tip of the country. There are good conditions for climbing in the high and steep mountain Tonkoui La Dent de Man, in the region of Man, in the center and west of the country. Coastal areas are more prominent in the west of Abidjan. Grand Lahou has become one of the best parts of the country to enjoy surfing. There are great waves to the west, the Plage Le Bivouac in Sassandra, to swim, it is preferable to the beach adjacent Poly-Plage. Sun lovers to enjoy in Grand Béréby, a fishing village 340 km west of Abidjan, near the border with Liberia
Ivory Coast History
Little is known of Ivory Coast before the arrival of European ships in the decade of 1460. The major ethnic groups came to the country from neighboring areas relatively recently: the kru migrated from Liberia around 1600; the lubi senufu and moved south from Burkina Faso and Mali. And until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries akan not arrived, including the ethnic group of the trunk and from Ghana to the east of the country, and the Malinké of Guinean origin, who settled in northwestern Ivory Coast . Unlike its neighbor, Ghana, Ivory Coast has not suffered too much the slave trade. European ships carrying goods and slaves preferred enclaves along the coast with the best natural harbors. France was interested in the country in 1840, manipulating the local leaders to secure a monopoly of trade with coastal merchants in France. Subsequently, the Gauls built naval bases to scare away foreign traders and began a systematic conquest of the hinterland, which only ended after a long war in the 1890s against Mandinka forces, mostly from Gambia. Trunks and other ethnic groups in the east of the nation continued to wage a guerrilla war until 1917.
France had one goal: to stimulate the production of raw materials for export. Will soon be planted coffee plantations, cocoa and palm oil along the coast. Ivory Coast was honored for being the only country in western Africa with a sizeable population of foreign settlers in the rest, the French and English residents working in the bureaucracy. Consequently, one third of the cocoa plantations, coffee and bananas in the hands of French citizens and a system of forced labor became the backbone of the economy.
Félix Houphouët-Boigny, the son of a chief Baoule be the instigator of the independence of Ivory Coast. Houphouët-Boigny studied medicine before becoming a thriving cocoa grower and the local chief. In 1944 he began his political career and formed the first agricultural union in the nation, an organization that only defended the interests of African landowners, not farmers. Disturbed by the colonial policy, which benefited the French owners, banded together to recruit immigrant workers for their own farms. Houphouët-Boigny soon became a prominent character, and after one year was elected to the French parliament in Paris. A year later the French abolished forced labor. Over time, Houphouët-Boigny, hungry for power and money, tried to ingratiate itself with the country Gallo, gradually abandoning the more radical of his youth. France accounted for and became the first African to hold a ministerial office in a European government.
When gained independence in 1960, Ivory Coast was the most prosperous French colony in West Africa, contributing over 40% of total exports of the region. When Houphouët-Boigny became the country's first president, his government gave high prices to farmers to stimulate further the performance of their commercial items. Coffee production increased significantly, becoming the world's third largest producer after Brazil and Colombia, the same thing happened with cocoa in 1979, the country was the first producer in the world. He also became the first African nation to export pineapples and palm oil. Among racks, program development, often called the Ivorian miracle had been planned by technicians. Elsewhere in Africa, the processes involve the removal of independentistas Europeans in Ivory Coast, however, came en masse. The French community grew from ten to fifty thousand members, most of them teachers and advisers. For 20 years, the economy maintained an annual growth rate of almost 10%, the highest among African countries exporting oil.
Politically, Houphouët-Boigny in Ivory Coast went hand of steel. There was no free press, and only one political party was tolerated. Houphoët-Boigny was also the largest African producer of shows. It spent millions of dollars to transform their village, Yamoussoukro, in the new capital. In the early 1980s the world recession and drought seriously affected the local economy. Therefore, prompted by improper logging the timber industry and the collapse of sugar prices tripled the country's external debt. The increase in crime came to Abidjan in the European media. The miracle was complete.
In 1990, hundreds of officers began a strike, supported by students, whose violent street protests identified as perpetrators of the economic crisis to corruption and the train of life of senior government officials. The unrest reached levels of unprecedented intensity, weakening the image of Houphouët-Boigny and forcing the government to accept multiparty democracy. The presidential elections of 1990 were the first that had the participation of other political parties, and accordingly Houphouët-Boigny was only 85% of the votes, instead of the customary 99.9%. But the president died in 1993. His successor, Henri Konan-Bédié, was a member of the ethnic Baoule and president of the National Assembly.
In October 1995, Bédié was overwhelmingly reelected to a divided and disorganized opposition. The president increased his control over political life, and jailed hundreds of opponents. The economic outlook, however, appeared to improve, on a decreasing inflation and an attempt to eliminate the debt.
But the unpredictability and volatility of Africa once again become apparent in late 1999. A group of disgruntled general organized a coup and the president went into exile in France Bédié. Led by General Robert Guéï, founded the military COSUR (Oversight Committee for the organization of the referendum). The coup led to a decrease in crime and corruption, and general austerity advocated and promoted a public campaign in favor of a less wasteful society.
In October 2000, held elections in which President Laurent Gbagbo to disputed Robert Guéï but neither peaceful nor democratic. Guei tried to rig the election in his favor, causing a popular uprising, about eighty percent of fatalities and the rapid rise of Gbagbo to power. Alleging that this was a citizen of Burkina Faso, and therefore unqualified for the presidency, the Supreme Court prevented the Muslim opposition leader, Alassane Ouattara to participate in the elections. You will also be closed the doors in the legislative elections of December 12, with a consequent outbreak of violent protests in which his supporters, mainly Muslim north of the country clashed with riot police in the capital, Yamoussoukro. The bloody pre-election violence has shown that ethnic and political tensions in Ivory Coast will not be resolved easily.
Among numerous allegations of coup attempt by the liberal party Union of Republicans of Ouattara, Gbagbo assumed the presidency after the recent elections, the Republican Union had boycotted the result. In an atmosphere of growing hostility towards foreign residents, the situation is far less insecure.
On September 19, 2002, northern troops mutinied and took control of much of the country. The former president Guei was killed at the beginning of the contest. The early ceasefire with the rebels, backed by the full population of the north, mostly Muslim, was short and then resumed the fight in the main coconut producing areas. France sent troops to keep the limits of the ceasefire and militia, including the warlords and fighters from Liberia and Sierra Leone, used the crisis to seize parts of the west.
In January 2003, President Gbagbo and rebel leaders signed agreements for the creation of a 'government of national unity'. It lifted the curfew and the French troops scoured the country's lawless western border. But the central problems remained, and no party achieved its objectives.
Since then, the unity government has proven to be very unstable. In March 2004, 120 people were killed in an opposition march. After it was revealed that the murders were premeditated. Although quotas were sent peacekeepers of the UN, relations between Gbagbo and the opposition continued to deteriorate
Ivory Coast culture and people
The Art of Ivory Coast is among the highlights of the western region of Africa, and every ethnic group in the country has a distinct artistic expression. Particularly famous are the wood carvings of the trunk, hand them (or Yacub) and senufu. In the craft of giving, the most common mask representing a human face, slightly abstract but with realistic features. Another typical expression of this craft is made up of wooden ladles to serve rice are often produced in the form of two human legs that allow them to remain upright. Present on the commemorative ceremonies, Baoule facial masks are very realistic and intended to represent individuals who can be identified by tattoos on their faces or their hair. Senufu masks are characterized by great style: the most famous of these is the helmet-mask spitting fire, a combination of antelope, wild boar verrugoso and hyena.
Although the country has two Catholic cathedrals of the world's monuments, only 12% of the population profess Christianity, and most are Protestants. Nearly one quarter of the population is Muslim, and lives mainly in the North. The vast majority practice traditional religions based on ancestral worship. Believe that the dead are transformed into spirits and remain in constant contact with the living, through various rituals, the living try to gain their goodwill and protection. The practice of magic is also very widespread, and the magic white repels evil spirits. Healers or juju priests dispense charms predict the fate and advice on how to avoid dangers. Also bless grigris, neck amulets that protect specific spells. Specifically, members of ethnic senufu have remained very loyal to their traditional beliefs. Their descendants for many years to learn the history and social customs of his people before being initiated into secret.
The reggae singer Alpha Blondy, world famous, is the best known of Ivory Coast, but his music is not necessarily representative of the country. The traditional style of music consists of melodies and rhythms simultaneously, without one dominating over the others. Historically, this music was considered the exclusive preserve of one social group, the griot (village of artists), using tools made from indigenous materials such as gourds, animal skins and antlers. The most popular and prolific writer of Ivory Coast is Dadie Bernard, whose work has been translated into numerous languages. One of his first novels, CLIMBIAS (1971), is an autobiographical account of a trip to France during his childhood. Aké Loba and Ahmadou Kourouma also highlighted in his literary work.
Homes in villages and urban African-style, continental foods are consumed with the fingers. The most common accompanying the attieke is based on similar to grated cassava couscous, and the visitor can sample a maquis, Restaurant outdoor tables and chairs on the sand. Paradigm of gastronomy, the maquis often serve fish and chicken stews with onions and tomatoes along with attieke or kedjenou, a chicken dish with vegetables and a sauce rather smooth. The crazy, ripe banana in palm oil, seasoned with steamed onions and chile, is one of the tastiest street food, and can be eaten alone or with grilled fish
Ivory Coast Map


best time to travel Ivory Coast
In February, celebrate the Fêtes des Masques (festival of the masks) in the towns scattered across the region of Man Another festival highlight is the Festival Dipri organized in mid-April in Gomon, 100 km northwest of Abidjan, and in which all the villagers strongly exorcise their homes against evil. The time of year to visit the country with peace of mind cover from November to February, but fans will get the picture much more attractive image for the rainy season between May and October. The tourist season usually extends from December to March and to a lesser extent, during the months of November and April.
Ivory Coast Holidays and festival
One of the most famous festivities Ivory Coast is the Fête des Masques (Festival of Masks), which is celebrated in the villages of Man every February. Another major event is the carnival in Bouaké in March. When visiting the country in April, is essential in Dipri Fête du Gomon. This festival starts at midnight, when women and naked children quietly leave their huts at night and perform rituals to exorcise the curse of all people. Before sunrise the chief appears, echo the drums and the locals are in a state of trance. The frenzy continues until late afternoon the next day. The major Muslim holiday, Ramadan, develops over a month (around December) when the population between the fast rising and setting sun, fulfilling the fourth pillar of Islam. Ramadan ends with a big celebration, the Eid al-Fitr, where everyone gathered to pray, to visit their friends, and supercharged gift. The National Day is commemorated on December 7
Ivory Coast attraction and places
Abidjan, a large metropolis, glamorous and undermined by crime, lack of interest until 1951, when the French completed the construction of the canal Vridi, linking Abidjan's lagoon with the ocean. The city has since then a great port and its population has grown to reach nearly three million inhabitants, divided into four peninsulas around the lagoon.
Known as the Paris of West Africa, many French live in Abidjan, but also attracts many Africans from neighboring countries, it has become the most cosmopolitan city in the region. Many travelers know their only wealthier neighborhoods, especially Le Plateau, the central point of full commercial skyscraper, and Cocody, elegant residential area where the hotel recognized Ivoire. Poorest districts, as Treichville, Marcory and Adam, are much more interesting. Le Plateau United by two bridges, the neighborhood of Treichville the majority of clubs.
The Hotel Ivoire, West Africa's most famous, is also one of the main attractions. Is proud to possess it all: swimming pool, ice rink, bowling, cinema, casino and even a major art gallery in the basement. Abidjan's modern museum, the cathedral of St Paul, only surpassed by one in the capital, Yamoussoukro, justifies visiting the sights you can see from the top of its bell tower. It was designed by an Italian architect and consecrated by the Pope in 1985.
In the far north-west is the Parc du Banco, a rainforest reserve with its freshness lends itself to walking. A few hundred meters from the entrance on the dirt road is the outdoor laundry largest Africa: an unforgettable spectacle in which hundreds of fanicos (sandpipers) meet in the middle of a stream to make casting. Daily, vigorously rubbing the clothes on huge stones covered by old tires, and spread on the rocks and grass along a half kilometer. Never be confused or wrong garments each.
We must not forget that from the end of the 1980s, Abidjan has a reputation of having the highest crime rate in West Africa, and no part of town is considered sufficiently safe to walk alone at night.
Yamoussoukro became the capital in 1983. Since the 1960s, President Houphouët-Boigny spent in his home town, and turned it into a strange city. It has eight lanes of highway, the desert and lined with more than ten thousand lamps, and avenues that end in the jungle. Most houses were replaced by traditional African structures cement themselves to the middle class. But simultaneously there is no other city of its kind in the entire continent, and its center is much more aggressive at night than would be assumed by his appearance impersonal.
The stunning centerpiece of the city is the Basilica of Notre Dame de la Paix, an almost exact replica of St. Peter in Rome. Built in just three years, stands as the highest of any church, Christianity, probably something illogical in a country with few practicing Catholics. Apart from its shape and size, you will remember everything about the 36 huge stained glass made by hand in France. The $ 300 million cost equivalent to half the national budget deficit.
Yamoussoukro is located about 200 km northwest of Abidjan. Is very well connected to the rest of the country thanks to its central location. Buses are often the best means of transportation, faster and cheaper, to get there and move around the city.
Taï National Park
This National Park is one of the last areas of virgin rainforest in West Africa, with trees that reach 50 m in height, enormous trunks and roots. Primeval forest walk is a great experience: the towering trees, hanging vines, fast-running streams and wildlife habitat that has been combined to create a calm and charming. Researchers have spent decades studying chimpanzees in the park and have discovered that they have developed ingenious ways to hunt monkeys.
The park stands out for the frequent rains and humidity, the best time to visit is from December to February, the dry season. Taï to enter is strictly necessary to require a permit issued by the Ministry of Water and Forests in Abidjan. It is also complicated to get there. The best way is to take a bus, followed by a local taxi and a minibus from the end of Man (450 km northwest of Abidjan) and San Pedro (280 km west of Abidjan) Guiglo to follow in the direction of the population Tai hitchhiking and cover the remaining 30 km to the center's research park.
Man of the region, which covers the central and western Ivory Coast, is formed by a succession of hills covered by lush vegetation that stretch to the horizon. It is primarily known for its excellent market (Man City), masks the characteristics of each people and the dancers Yacub acting on stilts during the annual Fête des Masques (Festival of Masks). The populations of the region of Man have many masks they use to represent their rituals.
The City of Man only has a daily market as a main attraction, but it is a good base for exploring the region, especially the Cascade, a very popular waterfall in a forest of bamboo and 5 km west of the city. The valley of Mount Tonkoui, the second highest peak of Ivory Coast, is located 15 km north of Cascade. From its summit you can see the territory of Liberia and Guinea. Walkers will also appreciate the steep mountain-shaped teeth of the dent of Man (Man of the tooth), the guardian angel of the region. Another element of the constituent peoples: a bypass road 275 km north of Man to visit Biankouma, Gouéssésso, and Sipitou Danané.
Man is about 450 km northwest of Abidjan. Air Ivoire has a service to Abidjan Man twice a week. Various bus companies and taxis cover the long ride several times a day
Sassandra, known for its magnificent beaches, has as its main point of attraction with a fishing population of ethnic fanti with a very active port and an attractive river to explore. Travelers willing to try the highly recommended Bangui (palm wine), can be found in large quantities. This enclave in the past acted as an important commercial center, but its activity declined with the construction of the neighboring port of San Pedro.
The beaches are located west of Sassandra, along a dirt road. The first, with strong waves, called Plage Le Bivouac, can be reached on foot from the people, for others, it is necessary to take a taxi or hitchhiking. The most recognized is the peaceful Poly-Plage and the tiny fishing village fanti. Sassandra is located 210 km west of Abidjan. There are daily bus services to return.
Korhogo, capital of senufu, was built in the thirteenth century. The senufu are famous for their carved wood, but also for his skills in blacksmithing and pottery. Most of the wood sculptors live and work in the small neighborhood Quartier des Sculptures. Its bustling market is at the center of the city.
The associations have senufu secret Poro divided by religion, for children, and worship Sakrobundi, for girls, which are initiated through to adulthood. The target group is to preserve traditions, tribal customs to teach and inculcate self through rigorous testing. Youth education is divided into three periods of seven years, after which held an initiation ceremony, with circumcision, isolation, training and use of masks. Each community has a sacred forest where the training, and do not ever allow the uninitiated to witness the tests. Certain ceremonies are conducted in the population and are not forbidden to visitors, as the men panthère dance (the dance of the panther men), which happens when the boys return from a training session in the woods.
Korhogo is located over 500 km north of Abidjan. Air Ivoire offers regular flights between the two populations during the weekends. Buses runs Korhogo Abidjan-made half a dozen trips a day. In Korhogo also can rent a car to explore the region.
As National Park
As the reserve of wildlife largest West Africa, lies at the northeastern tip of Ivory Coast. One of the best known route crosses the river Comoé, where wild animals tend to go for water during the dry season.
Lions are plentiful in the southern part of the reserve, especially in the area called the triangle Kapkin. An estimated one hundred elephants in the park, so the visitor has a high probability of seeing any. Other animals that share this habitat are the green monkey, the hippo, the baboon, the Colobus monkey, water deer, several species of antelope and 21 species of pig. Leopards also live freely in the reserve, but rarely has the good fortune to glimpse one. The reserve is open from December to May.
As is 570 km northeast of Abidjan. There are several entrances to the reserve, the most common are Kafolo north and Kapkin and geese in the South. Buses and taxis tend to use the northern entrance
Ivory Coast activities
The Parc du Bank, Abidjan, is the ideal spot for excursions. You can go trekking through the virgin rainforest in the Taï National Park, located on the southwestern tip of the country. There are good conditions for climbing in the high and steep mountain Tonkoui La Dent de Man, in the region of Man, in the center and west of the country. Coastal areas are more prominent in the west of Abidjan. Grand Lahou has become one of the best parts of the country to enjoy surfing. There are great waves to the west, the Plage Le Bivouac in Sassandra, to swim, it is preferable to the beach adjacent Poly-Plage. Sun lovers to enjoy in Grand Béréby, a fishing village 340 km west of Abidjan, near the border with Liberia
Ivory Coast History
Little is known of Ivory Coast before the arrival of European ships in the decade of 1460. The major ethnic groups came to the country from neighboring areas relatively recently: the kru migrated from Liberia around 1600; the lubi senufu and moved south from Burkina Faso and Mali. And until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries akan not arrived, including the ethnic group of the trunk and from Ghana to the east of the country, and the Malinké of Guinean origin, who settled in northwestern Ivory Coast . Unlike its neighbor, Ghana, Ivory Coast has not suffered too much the slave trade. European ships carrying goods and slaves preferred enclaves along the coast with the best natural harbors. France was interested in the country in 1840, manipulating the local leaders to secure a monopoly of trade with coastal merchants in France. Subsequently, the Gauls built naval bases to scare away foreign traders and began a systematic conquest of the hinterland, which only ended after a long war in the 1890s against Mandinka forces, mostly from Gambia. Trunks and other ethnic groups in the east of the nation continued to wage a guerrilla war until 1917.
France had one goal: to stimulate the production of raw materials for export. Will soon be planted coffee plantations, cocoa and palm oil along the coast. Ivory Coast was honored for being the only country in western Africa with a sizeable population of foreign settlers in the rest, the French and English residents working in the bureaucracy. Consequently, one third of the cocoa plantations, coffee and bananas in the hands of French citizens and a system of forced labor became the backbone of the economy.
Félix Houphouët-Boigny, the son of a chief Baoule be the instigator of the independence of Ivory Coast. Houphouët-Boigny studied medicine before becoming a thriving cocoa grower and the local chief. In 1944 he began his political career and formed the first agricultural union in the nation, an organization that only defended the interests of African landowners, not farmers. Disturbed by the colonial policy, which benefited the French owners, banded together to recruit immigrant workers for their own farms. Houphouët-Boigny soon became a prominent character, and after one year was elected to the French parliament in Paris. A year later the French abolished forced labor. Over time, Houphouët-Boigny, hungry for power and money, tried to ingratiate itself with the country Gallo, gradually abandoning the more radical of his youth. France accounted for and became the first African to hold a ministerial office in a European government.
When gained independence in 1960, Ivory Coast was the most prosperous French colony in West Africa, contributing over 40% of total exports of the region. When Houphouët-Boigny became the country's first president, his government gave high prices to farmers to stimulate further the performance of their commercial items. Coffee production increased significantly, becoming the world's third largest producer after Brazil and Colombia, the same thing happened with cocoa in 1979, the country was the first producer in the world. He also became the first African nation to export pineapples and palm oil. Among racks, program development, often called the Ivorian miracle had been planned by technicians. Elsewhere in Africa, the processes involve the removal of independentistas Europeans in Ivory Coast, however, came en masse. The French community grew from ten to fifty thousand members, most of them teachers and advisers. For 20 years, the economy maintained an annual growth rate of almost 10%, the highest among African countries exporting oil.
Politically, Houphouët-Boigny in Ivory Coast went hand of steel. There was no free press, and only one political party was tolerated. Houphoët-Boigny was also the largest African producer of shows. It spent millions of dollars to transform their village, Yamoussoukro, in the new capital. In the early 1980s the world recession and drought seriously affected the local economy. Therefore, prompted by improper logging the timber industry and the collapse of sugar prices tripled the country's external debt. The increase in crime came to Abidjan in the European media. The miracle was complete.
In 1990, hundreds of officers began a strike, supported by students, whose violent street protests identified as perpetrators of the economic crisis to corruption and the train of life of senior government officials. The unrest reached levels of unprecedented intensity, weakening the image of Houphouët-Boigny and forcing the government to accept multiparty democracy. The presidential elections of 1990 were the first that had the participation of other political parties, and accordingly Houphouët-Boigny was only 85% of the votes, instead of the customary 99.9%. But the president died in 1993. His successor, Henri Konan-Bédié, was a member of the ethnic Baoule and president of the National Assembly.
In October 1995, Bédié was overwhelmingly reelected to a divided and disorganized opposition. The president increased his control over political life, and jailed hundreds of opponents. The economic outlook, however, appeared to improve, on a decreasing inflation and an attempt to eliminate the debt.
But the unpredictability and volatility of Africa once again become apparent in late 1999. A group of disgruntled general organized a coup and the president went into exile in France Bédié. Led by General Robert Guéï, founded the military COSUR (Oversight Committee for the organization of the referendum). The coup led to a decrease in crime and corruption, and general austerity advocated and promoted a public campaign in favor of a less wasteful society.
In October 2000, held elections in which President Laurent Gbagbo to disputed Robert Guéï but neither peaceful nor democratic. Guei tried to rig the election in his favor, causing a popular uprising, about eighty percent of fatalities and the rapid rise of Gbagbo to power. Alleging that this was a citizen of Burkina Faso, and therefore unqualified for the presidency, the Supreme Court prevented the Muslim opposition leader, Alassane Ouattara to participate in the elections. You will also be closed the doors in the legislative elections of December 12, with a consequent outbreak of violent protests in which his supporters, mainly Muslim north of the country clashed with riot police in the capital, Yamoussoukro. The bloody pre-election violence has shown that ethnic and political tensions in Ivory Coast will not be resolved easily.
Among numerous allegations of coup attempt by the liberal party Union of Republicans of Ouattara, Gbagbo assumed the presidency after the recent elections, the Republican Union had boycotted the result. In an atmosphere of growing hostility towards foreign residents, the situation is far less insecure.
On September 19, 2002, northern troops mutinied and took control of much of the country. The former president Guei was killed at the beginning of the contest. The early ceasefire with the rebels, backed by the full population of the north, mostly Muslim, was short and then resumed the fight in the main coconut producing areas. France sent troops to keep the limits of the ceasefire and militia, including the warlords and fighters from Liberia and Sierra Leone, used the crisis to seize parts of the west.
In January 2003, President Gbagbo and rebel leaders signed agreements for the creation of a 'government of national unity'. It lifted the curfew and the French troops scoured the country's lawless western border. But the central problems remained, and no party achieved its objectives.
Since then, the unity government has proven to be very unstable. In March 2004, 120 people were killed in an opposition march. After it was revealed that the murders were premeditated. Although quotas were sent peacekeepers of the UN, relations between Gbagbo and the opposition continued to deteriorate
Ivory Coast culture and people
The Art of Ivory Coast is among the highlights of the western region of Africa, and every ethnic group in the country has a distinct artistic expression. Particularly famous are the wood carvings of the trunk, hand them (or Yacub) and senufu. In the craft of giving, the most common mask representing a human face, slightly abstract but with realistic features. Another typical expression of this craft is made up of wooden ladles to serve rice are often produced in the form of two human legs that allow them to remain upright. Present on the commemorative ceremonies, Baoule facial masks are very realistic and intended to represent individuals who can be identified by tattoos on their faces or their hair. Senufu masks are characterized by great style: the most famous of these is the helmet-mask spitting fire, a combination of antelope, wild boar verrugoso and hyena.
Although the country has two Catholic cathedrals of the world's monuments, only 12% of the population profess Christianity, and most are Protestants. Nearly one quarter of the population is Muslim, and lives mainly in the North. The vast majority practice traditional religions based on ancestral worship. Believe that the dead are transformed into spirits and remain in constant contact with the living, through various rituals, the living try to gain their goodwill and protection. The practice of magic is also very widespread, and the magic white repels evil spirits. Healers or juju priests dispense charms predict the fate and advice on how to avoid dangers. Also bless grigris, neck amulets that protect specific spells. Specifically, members of ethnic senufu have remained very loyal to their traditional beliefs. Their descendants for many years to learn the history and social customs of his people before being initiated into secret.
The reggae singer Alpha Blondy, world famous, is the best known of Ivory Coast, but his music is not necessarily representative of the country. The traditional style of music consists of melodies and rhythms simultaneously, without one dominating over the others. Historically, this music was considered the exclusive preserve of one social group, the griot (village of artists), using tools made from indigenous materials such as gourds, animal skins and antlers. The most popular and prolific writer of Ivory Coast is Dadie Bernard, whose work has been translated into numerous languages. One of his first novels, CLIMBIAS (1971), is an autobiographical account of a trip to France during his childhood. Aké Loba and Ahmadou Kourouma also highlighted in his literary work.
Homes in villages and urban African-style, continental foods are consumed with the fingers. The most common accompanying the attieke is based on similar to grated cassava couscous, and the visitor can sample a maquis, Restaurant outdoor tables and chairs on the sand. Paradigm of gastronomy, the maquis often serve fish and chicken stews with onions and tomatoes along with attieke or kedjenou, a chicken dish with vegetables and a sauce rather smooth. The crazy, ripe banana in palm oil, seasoned with steamed onions and chile, is one of the tastiest street food, and can be eaten alone or with grilled fish
Ivory Coast Map

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